“In this magisterial study, Vioulac proposes a radical reversal of thought, employing Biblical inspiration and philosophical rigor. <i>Apocalypse of Truth </i>dares to tap into a counter-archive that reaches deeper and further back than Heidegger’s rethinking of truth as unconcealment, reviving the long-ignored idea of apocalypticism. What results is not only a stunning rereading of St. Paul, Meister Eckhart, Hölderlin, Hegel, and others, but also a subtle loosening of the mythological grip that Western ontology has too long imposed on its subjects. A tour de force in its own right, Vioulac’s book builds on the recent breakthroughs in phenomenological and post-phenomenological thought, bringing a fresh realignment with Christianity and the 'incarnation of truth' it invites us to wager anew."
- Hent de Vries, New York University,
“In and through a learned, historically far-reaching, and textually rigorous meditation on Heidegger’s diagnosis of our modern nihilism, Vioulac turns to the apocalyptic revelation of Saint Paul for truth that would undermine modernity’s subjection of all beings to the logic of production and management by means of rational calculation and technological power. In sharp contrast to such machination, wherein humans become—like everything else—interchangeable, Vioulac advances a thinking of the frailty and vulnerability of finite, embodied, and mortal existence, and of the love and mourning essential to such existence. Thanks to an admirably graceful and faithful translation by Matthew J. Peterson, English readers will encounter a challenging and original thinker who sheds light on the disasters of our capitalistic and technological age.”
- Thomas A. Carlson, University of California, Santa Barbara,
"Including a foreword by Jean-Luc Marion, this book introduces French philosopher Jean Vioulac to an English-speaking audience. In six chapters, each with multiple sections, Vioulac takes readers through an analysis of Heidegger’s understanding of the disclosure of truth only to challenge that disclosure with the concepts of apocalypse, absence, and abyss. The climax of the book is the fourth chapter, in which Vioulac’s challenges reveal a productive encounter between Heideggerian thought and Christianity, with the latter characterized as a task of mourning an end already past. Along the way, Vioulac engages with Marx, Nietzsche, Meister Eckhart, and Hölderlin among others to provide a rich reading of Heideggerian epochal Being and the metaphysical destiny of the West."