This book takes anarchist feminism in a fresh direction by relocating it within an ontological framework developed from Baruch Spinoza’s seventeenth-century efforts ... Bottici makes a strong case for anarchism as a method and for Spinoza as a useful voice for building anarchist-feminist process-philosophy.
Contemporary Political Theory
Bottici has eruditely crafted an anarchafeminist political philosophy.
This is a capacious, clear, and revolutionary text that will bring readers who are just starting to learn about feminist philosophy as well as those who have been around a long time. This book does an excellent job in communicating the value of the anarchic, especially in its resistance to the leader, and its thoroughgoing affirmation of the value of freedom. This freedom is not a narrow idea of personal liberty, but an entire mode of transforming the world. We learn as well about a
‘transindividualism’ which allows us a way to rethink global solidarity for our times.
Judith Butler, author of "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity"