A very mature work, learned, sophisticated, and thoughtful, and yet full of youthful energy and openness for new questions and orientations. It does not simply deal with or speak about non-Western traditions and perspectives. It listens to them, learns from them, and takes them seriously as 'alternative visions.' The 'global village,' our multicultural and multipolar world with all its hopes, tensions, and ambiguities, is not just an object of study in this book: it is a living presence and challenge.
- Wilhelm Halbfass, University of Pennsylvania,
Dallmayr's book is not just cutting edge, but cuts with a different edge, an edge honed by an easy familiarity with those who have thought hard and deep about modernity, nationalism, globalism, and development, but are little known or appreciated in the Anglo-American world. It is therefore especially welcome.
- Hans Oberdiek, Swarthmore College,