The idea of Communism is rising from its grave once again - but what does it effectively amount to? Bosteels confronts this issue with no illusions, in a critical dialogue with today's Leftist thinkers, as well as with radical political practices such those of the Morales government in Bolivia. A beautifully written work which is a must for everyone interested in what's left of the contemporary Left.
- Slavoj Zizek,
The Actuality of Communism is a remarkable achievement. Critically engaging some of the most prominent thinkers in contemporary left political theory, it moves beyond them, resetting the agenda for communism as not only a hypothesis and not only a struggle, but more vitally as the affirmation of the engaged, organized, political movement for emancipation and equality.
- Jodi Dean, Theory & Event
The book does what interventions must, namely draw a line of demarcation, in this case between communism as a real overdetermined process that must engage with the question of power and recent philosophical attempts to resuscitate the term as a pure, invariant kernel of sheer potentiality that exceeds any constitute power or historical actuality - an actuality which always amounts, in this instance, to the questions of state power and of socialism, as a certain modelling and management of the production of social wealth.
- Jason E. Smith, Radical Philosophy
The last places in today's America you would expect mass strikes would be the ultra-red states of West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Arizona -- until tens of thousands of education workers there organized themselves and shut down the schools. Red State Revolt by Eric Blanc gives a unique inside view of how these actions were organized and how they forced state governments and rightwing politicians not only to raise teachers pay but to elevate the role of public education. If you want to understand the power of workers and the strike, even in a time when labor seems down if not out, read Red State Revolt.
- Jeremy Brecher, author of Strike!,