<em>“This manuscript, that treats cross-cultural meanings of left and right handedness and symbolism, is important for interpreting archaeological evidence, including anthropomorphic designs, human burials, house organization, and artifacts. The text provides an excellent overview of the literature on left and right symbolism in human societies past and present.”</em> <strong>• Joel Palka</strong>, Arizona State University</p>
<em>“This authoritative work draws together the major concepts, particularly those relating to gender, mortuary rites, sacred space and cosmology in a form that is readily usable by students and scholars.”</em> <strong>• Alison Grierson-Brookes</strong>, Freelance Archaeologist</p>
Biographical note
C. Riley Augé holds a PhD in Cultural Heritage Studies and Applied Anthropology with an Archaeology emphasis and a Master’s degree in Mythology and Folklore. She has recently retired from the University of Montana where she was the curator of the Anthropological and Archaeological collections and instructor of courses in Myth, Ritual and Religion; Archaeology; and Artifact Analysis, to devote more time to her research on the material expression of traditional beliefs. Her publications include The Archaeology of Magic and The Field Manual for the Archaeology of Ritual, Religion, and Magic.