<p>“‘This great little book deserves to be read by all people concerned to understand where we, as a species, came from and how the challenges we now face reflect that long historical evolution’.” (Giorgio Benedek, Italian Physical Society, sif.it, February, 2021)</p>
Biographical note
Claudio Tuniz is a Scientific Fellow of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Coordinator of the project SAPIENS (Physics Methods in Human Origin Studies) at the Fermi Centre in Rome, and Honorary Professor at the Centre for Archaeological Science in Australia. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (Springer Nature) and has authored The Bone Readers (with R. Gillespie and C. Jones; Routledge, 2009; Springer Nature, 2010), Radioactivity (Oxford University Press, UK, 2012; Carocci, 2013), The Science of Human Origins (with G. Manzi and D. Caramelli; Laterza, 2013; Routledge, 2014), and Humans (with P. Tiberi Vipraio; Carocci, 2015; Springer Nature, 2016).Patrizia Tiberi Vipraio was Full Professor of Economic Policy and Associate Professor of International Economics at the University of Udine, Italy, where she also lectured on Monetary Policy and Industrial Economics. Shehas been associated with various universities in Europe and Australia. She has authored a number of academic papers and books, including Dal mercantilismo alla globalizzazione (From Mercantilism to Globalization) (Il Mulino, Bologna, 1999) and Humans (with Claudio Tuniz; Carocci, 2015; Springer Nature, 2016).