"In one volumne, accurate and dependable Western herbs that are safe and effective treatments for sports injuries. A wonderful job. Carolyn Dean is the author of The Magnesium Miracle and Solve it with Supplements." -- Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. "Destined to become an instant classic both for herbalists and martial artist." -- David H. Price, L. Ac., M.O.M., B.A., September 2010 "Well researched and concise...Provides an accessible alternative to Chinese herbal medicine for the author and martial artist." -- Tom Bisio, author of A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth "Well researched, practical, helpful and informative. This book has earned a place on my bookshelf." -- Jennifer Lawler, author of Martial Arts for Dummies "This book will be treasured...Destined to become a classic." -- Brigitte Mars, author of The Country Almanac of Home Remedies "...a great read for martial artists, contact athletes, people with injuries, and anyone interested in herbal treatment. The spectrum of herbal remedies described here will arouse interest in the most skeptical mind." -- Richard Skaff, Book Reviewer for ForeWord Reviews