Originally published in 1935, Spiller's book on grouse is the textbook for tweed-wearing, pipe-smoking, double-shooting New England grouse and woodcock hunters. Although the language sounds a bit stilted today, after a couple of chapters you'll want to head to Maine, even if you don't know a partridge from a ptarmigan. Heartwarming tales well told, this deserves the classic moniker.
- Lionel Atwill, Field & Stream
This is the quintessential book on grouse hunting. First published in 1935, this book has spurred more interest in grouse hunting than any number of books combined....For all that you have experienced or hope to while grouse hunting, this book is a great read.
Michigan Out-Of-Doors
While not a 'how-to,' Spiller's folksy 1989[sic] title offers his great knowledge on the subject couched in recollections of hunting with his father as a boy and later with friends as an adult. He presents numerous tips on shooting, shotguns, dogs, and, of course, the birds themselves.
- Michael Rogers, Library Journal