' - a very comprehensive and thorough guide to The Farnes and Holy Island (Lindisfarne). It also includes plenty of information about the history and wildlife of the area that make it an all year round guide to visitors planning to make the most of their trip to this beautiful part of the Northumberland coastline. - There is absolutely no doubt that Ron Young knows this area and has a huge knowledge of all the dive sites. Covering 178 dive sites around the island Ron Young not only imparts his experience but also his heart - he openly admits that the Farne Islands are his favourite destination - - All of the wrecks have excellent descriptions and Ron gives plenty of historical background for divers who would like to gain a better understanding and get more from their dive. - this is an excellent guide book and so much more than just a dive guide.' Tanked Up Ron Young's new book is a weighty and detailed guide to diving the many sites of the Farnes Islands and Holy Island. - his latest work is a welcome update and comprehensive stand-alone reference. - The are 178 sites to check out in total, which could take years - a lifetime - to explore. Ron Young has done them all and packaged them up lovingly in a practical, entertaining and thorough fashion. If you're planning to explore the Farnes and Holy Island area, buy this book. And if not, perhaps the book can encourage you to reconsider - you're clearly missing out.' British Diver 'North Northumberland's hidden heritage sights have been brought to light with the publication of a tourist with a difference. Over 100 of the most interesting sites for diving off the Farne Island and Northumberland coast have been detailed in the new guidebook. - Ron has provided a wealth of detail about the rich and sometimes bizarre history of the islands and the villages - ' The Berwick Advertiser