Biographical note
James Steen is an award-winning journalist and author. A sought-after collaborator with some
of the most renowned kitchen legends, he
has co-authored the autobiographies of Marco Pierre
White (The Devil in the Kitchen),
Raymond Blanc (A Taste of My Life), Keith Floyd (Stirred But Not
Shaken) and Ken Hom (My Stir-Fried Life). He is the author of The Kitchen Magpie, and teamed up with
Blanc to write Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons: The
Story of a Modern Classic and Kitchen Secrets, and with White
to produce Marco Made Easy and White
Heat 25. During his
extensive career in Fleet Street he edited Punch
magazine. Alongside writing books, he is a contributing editor of Waitrose Food magazine. From his home in
Wandsworth, South-west London, Steen runs classes for locals in his Loxley
Cookery School.