<p>"The editors have done a masterful job bringing some cohesion to the disparate domains of epistemic beliefs, values, reasoning, practices, and cognition. The <em>Handbook of Epistemic Cognition</em> is an embracing conversation across contributions that is sure to stimulate richer scholarly engagements on how knowledge and knowing impact thinking and reasoning, and inform learning and teaching. The chapter and summary presentations reveal perplexing and persistent differences regarding methods and meanings and about what counts as evidence for things epistemic that will stimulate basic and applied research in the cognitive and learning sciences."</p><p>--Richard A Duschl, Waterbury Chair Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA</p><p>"This book offers the most comprehensive coverage I have seen of this important topic. It will be a valuable handbook to those seeking to bring investigation of how we know and understand knowing to its rightful place at the center of cognition and cognitive development research."</p><p>--Deanna Kuhn, Professor of Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA</p><p>"The <em>Handbook of Epistemic Cognition</em> presents a constructively critical tour of theory, empirical findings, and methods for researching how people view the ways they generate and validate knowledge. If you’re an educator, a research psychologist or someone who wants to understand why you believe what you do about history, science or health, this book will be an important resource."</p><p>--P.H. Winne, Professor and Canada Research Chair, Simon Fraser University, Canada</p><p>"‘Epistemic cognition’ is a concept and research agenda about the knowledge we need for living in a complex world. This volume offers several very helpful maps for travelling the territories of research on the topic, and it demonstrates the import of epistemic cognition for learning in formal and informal learning-contexts."</p><p>--Rainer Bromme, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Münster, Germany</p><p>"<em>Handbook of Epistemic Cognition</em> provides an overview on how people build, understand, modify and use knowledge in formal and informal contexts.<br />It also draws attention to the significance of clarifying the meaning of epistemic change in relation to instructional frameworks. Across the book, there is representation of a diversity of disciplines, types of reasoning and contexts of cognition which makes the book a fairly robust source of reference for anybody who would be interested in not only being introduced to epistemic cognition, but also in unpacking the foundational research that have contributed to the conceptualisation of epistemic cognition in a broad sense."<br /><br />--Sibel Erduran, Science & Education (2019) 28:819–821</p>