From the reviews:
"The book contains detailed lecture notes on six topics at the forefront of current research in numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Each set of notes presents a self-contained guide to a current research area … . most of the notes contain detailed proofs of the key results. The notes start from a level suitable for first year graduate students … and proceed to current research topics. The reader should therefore be able to gain quickly an insight into the important results and techniques … ." (Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, January, 2004)
“There are seven contributions from the six speakers arranged according to increasing degree of specification. … Each contribution presents a list of references, and advice for further investigation is included. Also, detailed proofs of the main results are given in most of the notes. Because of its high quality level, its dealing with topics of current research in the area, the book is to be recommended foe mathematicians, applied mathematicians and engineers as well as for graduates in mathematical sciences.” (Paula Bruggen, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Vol. 15 (1), 2008)