There have been few books about Grey's glorious (but ultimately
ill-fated) West Indies campaign in the early years of the long and
terrible wars of 1793-1815, yet five of the subalterns in Grey's
expeditionary force went on to command divisions in Wellington's
Peninsula army; another two commanded the Iron Duke's Royal Artillery;
and one (Richard Fletcher) - famously - the Royal Engineers. The
tactics used by Sir Charles Grey were as far removed as can be
imagined from the traditional image of the two-deep British line
delivering massed volleys at pointblank range. The invasions of
Martinique, St Lucia and Guadeloupe were raids undertaken by Special
Forces, who were instructed to operate in open order, in silence and
at bayonet-point; all attacks went in with unloaded muskets. Most of
the heavy-duty fighting was undertaken by converged flank battalions,
grenadiers and light infantrymen - assembled under hand-picked field
officers and used as stormtroopers in every major assault; here were
French revolutionary war tactics that are largely unexplored and
largely undocumented (at least in modern times). Sir Charles Grey was
one of the most aggressive British generals of the era - something his
gentlemanly appearance and demeanor did not immediately indicate. Ever
cheerful and optimistic - and humane and loyal to his friends - his
ability to deliver needle-sharp assaults and then harry a defeated
enemy (the latter being something at which British generals of the
Napoleonic era were distinctly mediocre) makes him one of the more
interesting personalities of the early portion of the 'Great War with
France'. If he was not ultimately unsuccessful, it was not his fault:
he was robbed of the resources he needed at the outset; then given
virtually no reinforcements by Horse Guards. The great killer on this
campaign was not the French... it was disease: principally, Yellow
Fever. Of the 6,200 men who landed with Grey on Martinique in February
1794, some 4,100 were dead by Christmas - such then is By Fire and
Bayonet an account of a very dramatic period for the British Army in
the West Indies. It took many years to learn the lessons presented by
the campaign, but for the young officers who survived, it provided
some invaluable lessons that were put to good use 15 or 20 years later
in the British Army of a later era.
Les mer
Grey's West Indies Campaign of 1794
Helion & Company (ORIM)
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