'As a researcher, this book provides a plethora of different ways that feminist research can be done. This book comes from a wealth of experience and the range of different research being carried out in NOG is clear. This book is usable, with short chapters, each presenting an entirely different methodological approach. The result enables numerous researchers to be heard, there is a particular emphasis on including the voices of new researchers, and a wide range of case studies to be shared. This book contains amongst its methodologies: ethnographies in a variety of contexts; textual analysis of social media, and fiction; and analysis of photographs and interviews. Particularly useful, however, was this book's ability to consistently link theory to methodology and prove that our theoretical stand point should drive the methodology we chose. This book can be picked up, put down, pondered over, and offers numerous veins of inspiration. In sum the emphasis on methodology and praxis is a motivating provocation and offers something for both non-feminist and feminist researchers alike.'Olivia MasonDurham UniversityLSE Review of Books, 20.3.15'A significant contribution to the field, this rich interdisciplinary collection shows the timely importance of feminist scholarship today. It provides the exhilarating scope, theoretical vigor and state-of-the-art scholarship I connect with feminist scholars that traverse Dutch Gender Studies. The overall result provides original takes on topics at the core of present feminist debates – from which scholars and students in many interdisciplinary humanities and social science disciplines will learn immensely. There is of course a risk in reading it; nothing about your everyday life will ever appear mundane again.'Cecilia ÅsbergAssociate Professor of Gender Studies (Tema Genus), Linköping University; Founding Director, The Posthumanities Hub; Co-Director, GEXcel International Collegium'This lively volume will come as a breath of fresh air to readers of many different feminist persuasions in many different parts of the world. Rigorously non-universalizing, the authors revel in the irreducible diversity of the micro politics of gender at sites that range from transnational library projects to online porn sites, from Mandarin-speaking mothers in the Netherlands to a struggle over gay marriage that leaves the nominative "Europe" in a legal shambles. Modeling rich intergenerational as well as transnational and interdisciplinary intra-actions, the essays evoke a universe of new possibilities for feminist exploration. The conversation among pioneering feminist scholars of my own generation that comprises the Epilogue moved me deeply and gives all that comes before it an astonishing depth of field.'Prof. Marguerite WallerChair, Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of California, Riverside