<p>"Shapiro and Stefkovich facilitate both understanding and application through a set of compelling case studies that reflect authentic problems of leadership practice. This book not only makes the case for ethical decision making, but it also provides models and opportunities for practice through four essential ethical paradigms. It is, in a word, comprehensive. Few teaching resources in educational leadership come close."<br /><b>Michelle D. Young</b>, <i>Professor and Dean, Loyola Marymount University<b>, </b>Executive Director Emeritus, University Council for Educational Administration</i></p><p>"In their fifth edition of this seminal book, the authors skillfully use multiple ethical paradigms to explore complex moral dilemmas involving technology and other real-life concerns facing educators. This book is a must-read for educational leaders and those who prepare them for their ethically challenging roles." <br /><b>Martha M. McCarthy</b>,<b> </b><i>Presidential Professor, Loyola Marymount University, and Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus, Indiana University </i></p><p>"A significant contribution by two of the most respected and thoughtful scholars in the field of educational ethics. Shapiro and Stefkovich provide the most coherent narrative to date on the significance of ethics for school leaders. No one does a better job of taking readers to the street level to teach the type of ethical issues which they will confront on the job." <br /><b>Joseph Murphy</b><i>, Professor of Educational Leadership, Emeritus, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University</i></p>
Biographical note
Joan Poliner Shapiro is Co-Director Emerita of the New DEEL (Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership) Community Network and Professor Emerita of Higher Education at Temple University, USA.
Jacqueline Stefkovich is an Independent Consultant, Researcher, and Professor Emerita in the Department of Education Policy Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, USA.