Biographical note
Dr Avis Ridgway, PhD (2010), MEd, GDEA, BEd, DipT. EC., is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. Avis focuses on using a cultural historical approach to early childhood research to examine historical influences on learning, pedagogical play, the cultural world of babies and toddlers, spaces that educate, innovative teacher practices and visual narrative methodology.
Dr Gloria Quinones PhD (2013), MEd, BEd, is a lecturer and early career researcher at Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia and member of the Child and Community Development Faculty Research Group. Gloria’s research, conducted in both Mexico and Australia, focuses on emotions, play, pedagogy, cultural and affective worlds of infants and toddlers and innovative visual methodologies.
Dr Liang Li PhD (2012), MEd (EC), MEd (Intl TESOL), Grad.Dip (ECE), B.Law, is a lecturer and an early career researcher in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, Australia, and a member of the Child and Community Development Faculty Research Group. Her research interests focus on child development, cultural world of babies and toddlers, family study, play and pedagogy, early childhood teacher education and visual methodology.