In these times of political turbulence and an increasingly rabid and scrofulous commentariat, the sanity, wisdom and clarity of Rebecca Solnit's writing is a forceful corrective...a scorchingly intelligent collection about the struggle to control narratives in the internet age
Whose Story Is This? is more hopeful in tone than her previous collections . . . It has a momentum, gained both from her conviction that the future is brighter than "the dank world I was born into" (she was born in 1961) and from the form itself, the essays building to a whole...oratorical, funny, biting
Financial Times
Solnit speaks such considered, quotable sense, it is tempting to see her as an early victor in our ugly culture wars, here producing a first draft of a new sort of history... brilliant
New Statesman
The spirit of Solnit's book lies in sharing, in slinking away from the centre to take your place among the many
In recent years the essay has been revitalised as a form by a new generation of women whose writing gives urgent voice to the old adage that the personal is political. . . The pre-eminent voice among them is Rebecca Solnit