<p>'Mr Still's ministry in public and private is suffused with a love for both God and man. Those who have had the privilege of knowing him agree that these interconnected and inseparable loves have made him human, but with a heavenly spirit; serious, but with a deep note of joy; hard working, but with a thankful heart; and, perhaps most of all, immensely approachable and loveable.'</p>
- Nigel M. de S. Cameron,
<p>'Here is a rich collection of William Still's studies in Christian faith and life which illustrate the maturity, potency, relevance and practicality of his lengthy and vibrant biblical ministry.'</p>
- Rev. J. Brian Moore,
<p>'It has been said of the great North American pastor-theologian Jonathan Edwards that he had the ability to take an idea and hold it in his mind, turning it round like a diamond to view it from every possible perspective. William Still would make no claim to rival Edwards; yet one of the obvious passions of his ministry has been to take several fundamental biblical insights and explore how these apply in a variety of areas of Christian thought and life. The result is striking.'</p>
- Sinclair Ferguson (Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary),
<p>'To read.... William Still's writings is to come into touch with a mind of rare perception and profound spiritual insight.... his ministry has left such an enduring mark on generations of Christian people.'</p>
- Rev. James Philip,