"This varied collection of essays traces the intertwining of modern Paganisms with popular music through a wide variety of genres. An important contribution to our understanding of emergent Pagan cultures, and a very exciting book." - Sabina Magliocco, California State University "'Pop Pagans: Paganism and Popular Music' is a crucial contribution to the study of spirituality and music. The wide-ranging coverage and theoretical perspectives presented here provide an essential baseline for approaching this dynamic intersection of expressive forms." - Holly Everett, Memorial University, Canada "'Pop Pagans' is a useful contribution, illustrating just how far 'pagan' themes have penetrated popular culture and music and, simultaneously, how 'religion' is not merely a matter of belief and 'spirituality' but also a practical embodied matter of music, dance, and community." - Anthropology Review Database 'This work successfully serves as a broad overview of the relationship between popular music and Paganism, but can serve equally well as a general introduction to the core ideas and foci unifying diverse Pagan groups - Recommended' - Choice