<p>[T]his is a valuable theological contribution for those with ears to hear. . . . Recommended.</p>
<p>The Insistence of God is a tour de force of novel, provocative ideas expressed in Heideggerian, Derridean, and Deleuzian rhetoric. It reads like a manifesto for a new wave of Christian theologians who re-imagine theology under the name of theopoetics.</p>
<p>Caputo's Insistence of God is an excellent text that opens the way into new forms of theological thinking. He puts forward an argument that must be wrestled with and brings to light new avenues for both religious and theological thought. Caputo is not for the faint of heart as his style is, at times, trenchant; but, in the end, wrestling with his work makes one better on the other side.</p>
Reviews in Religion and Theology
<p>In my life I have read no more stimulating book of theology. Buckle your seatbelt!</p>
Biographical note
John D. Caputo is Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Syracuse University and the David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University. He is author of The Weakness of God (IUP, 2006), which won the American Academy of Religion's Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in the Constructive-Reflective Studies category.