Those working in higher education, or with similar aged youth, will find this volume a valuable resource across campus divisions: administrators in preparing mission and strategic planning, faculty in the classroom, administrators in student affairs, and chaplains in campus ministry offices to name a few. Perhaps [this book can be] most effectively used as a reference book for working groups exploring ways to foster interfaith action.
Collegium: A Colloquy of Faith and Intellectual Life
This is a truly 21st century story that focuses on a new set of movements for social change that are bringing together young people across lines of faith for the work they can do on behalf of all of us. Readers will find programs to emulate, understandings that will sharpen their thinking and tremendous encouragement to add their thoughts to this emerging dialog.
- Ruth Messinger, President, American Jewish World Service
This collection of essays be welcomed....Many of the principles that can be drawn out of them...have universal relevance and can be seen in other initiatives around the globe.
- Elizabeth J. Harris, Journal of Contemporary Religion
With the publication of their breathtakingly comprehensive and creative profile of the emergent interfaith youth movement, Patrice Brodeur and Eboo Patel have both disclosed and helped to create an increasingly coherent social force that exemplifies what Brodeur calls "the global"—the unfolding of global dynamics in local communities. This volume, glistening with new ideas and energies, gathers one innovative voice after another—27 in all—to provide vivid testimony to the progress and potential of various initiatives that can eventually produce a truly transnational youth movement. The world will be the better for the empowerment of religiously alert, tolerant young people who welcome diversity and pluralism as an opportunity rather than a threat.
- R Scott Appleby, Institute for International Peace Studies, Professor of History, University of Notre Dame,