Kojève is a riddle, his Russian roots eclipsed by his legendary role as explicator of German idealism to French intellectuals in the 1930s. This splendid translation of his erudite, eccentric 1931 text reveals him taking on the most Dostoevskian of questions with all the wisdom of Western Europe at his back. What is our relation to what is outside the world? Here is an inquiry into atheistic anthropology that would have thrilled Heidegger himself.
- Caryl Emerson, Princeton University,
Alexandre Kojève became famous and influential primarily because of his seminar on Hegel's <i>Phenomenology of Spirit</i> that was given in Paris between the years 1933 and 1939. This seminar was regularly attended by leading figures of the French intellectual life of that time such as Georges Bataille and Jacques Lacan. Kojève's earlier book <i>Atheism</i> is a brilliant analysis of the relationship between faith and atheism that offers invaluable insights on the formation of Kojeve’s thought but also remains important in our time.
- Boris Groys, author of <i>Under Suspicion: A Phenomenology of Media</i>,
Alexandre Kojève's philosophical novella on the stakes of atheism for his time is the most significant work of his early career. It is key to understanding his famous Hegel lectures, his attempt to outdo Heidegger, and his idiosyncratic early politics that mixed hopes of radical transformation with a deep pessimism. Thanks to Jeff Love's translation, we can open up anew those philosophical movements of interwar France, including phenomenology and existentialism, which Kojève would so profoundly affect.
- Stefanos Geroulanos, New York University,
In Jeff Love's careful translation, this difficult text exudes the irresistible attraction of Kojève's philosophical prose. Written a couple of years before his famous lectures on Hegel's <i>Phenomenology of Spirit</i>, this essay already displays Kojève's signature combination of intellectual depth, probity, and radicalism.
- Galin Tihanov, George Steiner Professor of Comparative Literature, Queen Mary University of London,
Kojève’s text is intriguing and suggestive in its ideas as well as in its genre.
- Clare Carlisle, Times Literary Supplement
I found it most enlightening and asking questions that lie underneath the surface that is usually not scratched by other atheist philosophers.
Scene Point Blank
This book is dense and very rewarding for those who approach it patiently.
We are glad to have this profound essay to stimulate our thinking on theism, atheism, and mortality, and to give us further insight into the breadth of Kojeve's inquiries.
Review of Metaphysics
Biographical note
Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968) was a Russian-born French philosopher and polymath whose influence on contemporary thought via his many disciples and detractors, from Derrida to Lacan to Leo Strauss, is vast. While most famous for his Hegel lectures, Kojève also had exceptional influence while working in the French Ministry of Economic Affairs as an important figure in the creation of the European Economic Community.Jeff Love is Research Professor of German and Russian at Clemson University. He is the author of The Black Circle: A Life of Alexandre Kojève (Columbia, 2018) and The Overcoming of History in “War and Peace” (2004). He is also cotranslator of F. W. J. Schelling’s Philosophical Investigations Into the Essence of Human Freedom (2006) and editor of Heidegger in Russia and Eastern Europe (2017).