'an insightful and provocative account of gender and women bullfighters in Andalusia.' [...] Dr Pink presents a rich, vivid, and indepth description of the bullfight and the roles that women play in bullfighting culture, and a 'fresh' perspective on gender relations in Spain.'Anthrozoos'(a) closely argued book. [...] The book is splendidly illustrated. Perhaps the most interesting of all is her insistence on the diversity of perceptions not just of the woman bullfighter, but of gender in Cordoban society. Her persuasive rebuttal of a powerful tradition of Anglo-Saxon anthropology in southern Spain, with its familiar construct of an essentialist gender division between dominant men (who might be bullfighters) and subordinate women (who clearly should not), makes this an important book.'TLS'She offers a welcome critique of the overtly masculine bias inherent in structuralist-inspired binary representations of gender in Andalusia ... the book is beautifully detailed and