This is a varied and wide-ranging collection that shows almost unfailing excellence (unsurprisingly given the calibre of many of the authors included); it is a valuable addition to this rapidly expanding field.
Shannon Wells-Lassagne, Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies
As we experience what many now call a golden age of television drama, this wonderful collection provides a valuable contribution to the long history of drama exchange between Britain and the United States. Focusing on imports, adaptation, and co-productions, it represents a worthwhile addition to reading lists, at a watershed moment when the way we locate and consume drama is undergoing radical change.
Jeanette Steemers, Professor of Culture, Media & Creative Industries, King's College London
For anyone interested in the relationship between British and American television, this book is a must-read. It significantly updates and expands the existing literature in the field and manages to address a wide variety of aspects that emerge in the transnational relationship between the two countries. Hills, Hilmes, and Pearson have managed to bring together the top names in the study of the transatlantic relationship to investigate developments in the production, in the textual construction, and in fan and audience practices based on British and American television drama.
Elke Weissmann, Reader in Film and Television, Edge Hill University