<p>“The design of built environments is at the very core of addressing our climate emergency… we need to design buildings, landscapes, and cities in a more sustainable manner… Rob Fleming, Saglinda Roberts, and Chitsanzo Isaac provide an excellent, thorough guide to do just that in their new edition of <i>Sustainable Design for the Built Environment</i>. Their text is especially valuable for students just beginning their design journeys… [Their approach] balances equity, ecological, and economic concerns to ensure a healthy planet for future generations… <i>Sustainable Design for the Built Environment</i> presents a comprehensive foundation and an invaluable guide.”</p><p><b>Frederick Steiner </b><i>(FASLA, FAAR, RAAR, SITES AP), Dean, Paley Professor, Co-Executive Director, The McHarg Center, Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, USA</i></p><p>"This book is a great primer for thoughtful designers to gain the prerequisites for entering the integral-level design conversation beyond the current fragmented green pluralism. The authors use integral theory throughout to integrate perspectives across scales, worldviews and developmental evolutions in the discipline. The avant-garde for this century is big picture thought driving life-enhancing design. If you heard that sustainability and resilience have lost their meaning and significance—think deeper, and read on." </p><p><b>Mark DeKay,</b> <em>architect, author of </em>Integral Sustainable Design: Transformative Perspectives <em>and co-author of </em>Experiential Design Schemas</p>
Biographical note
Rob Fleming is an award-winning educator, author, LEED® accredited professional, and architect. He is the Director of the Center for Professional Learning at the Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, and the Director of Sustainability at FCA, an architecture and design firm in Philadelphia. Rob served as the 2023 AIA Philadelphia President, sits on the NCARB Education Committee, the AIA Higher Education Advisory Team, and is a jury member for the AIA COTE Student Design Competition. In Rob’s former life, he was the Founding Director of the MS in Sustainable Design Program at Thomas Jefferson University, one of the first programs of its kind in the world.
Saglinda H Roberts is currently an Assistant Professor in the Masters of Sustainable Design program in the College of Architecture and the Buit Environment at Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA, and has over 30 years' extensive design experience with a large variety of projects.
Chitsanzo Isaac is a Researcher in Urbanism and Sustainability, Software Developer, and former Assistant Professor in Sustainable Design at Thomas Jefferson University, USA.