Strategic Spatial Projects presents four years of case study research and theoretical discussions on strategic spatial projects in Europe and North America. It takes the position that planning is not well equipped to take on its current challenges if it is considered as only a regulatory and administrative activity. There is an urgent need to develop a mode of planning that aims to innovate in spatial as well as social terms.
This timely, important book is for spatial planning, urban design and community development and policy studies courses. For academics, researchers and students in planning, urban design, urban studies, human and economic geography, public administration and policy studies.
This book is concerned with how spatial planning and design can better contribute to fundamental changes and transformations of the spatial organisation of society that are at once qualitative, sustainable and socially inclusive. For academics, researchers and students in planning, urban design, urban studies, human and economic geography, public administration and policy studies.
1. Introduction: Strategic Spatial Planning Through Strategic Projects Part 1: Spatial Transformation Through Social Innovation 2. Transformative Practices: Where Strategic Spatial Planning Meets Social Innovation 3. Multiple Voices, Competing Spatial Claims: Social Innovation and the Transformation of the Angus Locoshops Brownfield Site (Montréal) 4. Analyzing Social Innovation Through Planning Instruments. A Strategic-Relational Approach 5. Commentary: When Solidarity Boosts Strategic Planning Part 2: Designing Strategic Projects for Spatial Quality 6. Spatial Design as a Strategy for a Qualitative Social-spatial Transformation 7. Developing Shared Terms for Spatial Quality Through Design 8. Transcending Boundaries: Design as a Medium for Integration in the ‘Rurban’ Landscape 9. Commentary: Some Reflections on the Project as Producer of Knowledge 10. Commentary 2: Some Reflections on Design as a Medium for Integration in the ‘Rurban’ Landscape Part 3: Social And Spatial Sustainability in Strategic Projects 11. Why Sustainability is so Fragilely Social.. 12. Strategies for Sustainable Spatial Development: Operationalizing Sustainability in Strategic Projects 13. Understanding Land Use Conflicts in Strategic Urban Projects: Lessons from Ghent Sint Pieters 14. Commentary: Strategic Projects: From Sustainability to Resilience? 15. Epilogue
Biographical note
Stijn Oosterlynck is Lecturer in Urban Sociology at the University of Antwerp and Post-doctoral Research Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders in the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning and the Institute of Social and Economic Geography at K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
Jef Van den Broeck is Honorary Professor in the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning at K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
Louis Albrechts is Emeritus Professor of Planning in the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning at K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
Frank Moulaert is Professor of Spatial Planning in the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning at K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
Ann Verhetsel is Professor of Economic Geography and Regional Economics in the Faculty of Applied Economics of the University of Antwerp, Belgium.