[a] sophisticated study of how early modern Europeans conceived of the human being in relation to other species.
Russ McDonald, Times Literary Supplement
[a] diverting study
Steven Poole, The Guardian
Stage, Stake and Scaffold is an excellent part of the growing field of animal studies within the broader study of Shakespeares work. Höfele's work has much to offer for scholars interested in Shakespeares works, staging practices, and the culture of spectacle and violence that informs Renaissance dramatic literature and history.
Marina Gerzic, Parergon - Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
This is fascinating stuff
The Stage
Andreas Höfele's Stage, Stake, and Scaffold provides themost complete exploration yet of the relation between Shakespeares theater and the spectacles of blood sport and criminal punishment concurrently available to the poets original audiences ... such impressive depth and precision
Bruce Boehrer, Modern Philology
Stage, Stake, and Scaffold is, however, an often subtle and hugely enjoyable book, which offers fresh, persuasive readings of the Shakespeare canon and challenges us to recognise the complex collusions of bloodsport, punishment and play.
Helen Smith, Literature & History
... an illuminating, intriguing, and thoroughly researched work ... Stage, Stake and Scaffold can offer those working on animals in Shakespeare, specifically the dualism between man and beast, a refreshing new take on the role and importance of actual and metaphorical animals and creatures in Shakespearean drama.
Kimbrina Davey, Notes and Queries