'The case studies provide
rich alternatives to the well-trodden path, give
direction and offer lessons for sustainable rural
development.' – <i>RIAS Quarterly </i>
'<i>Scotland’s Rural Home </i>deserves a wide
readership including policy makers, housing
associations, developers, built environment
professionals and anyone passionate about
Scotland’s contested landscape.' –<i> The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland</i>
'While this is
primarily a book about the design of house and home, it is very well researched in
terms of the history, politics, economic rationale and social drivers that fashion the
so-called ‘rural’ and ways of living contemporarily within this. It is also inspiringly
written and beautifully illustrated/presented' – <i>Housing Studies</i>
Illustrated with beautiful photography and drawings, the projects, from affordable housing on the islands to exquisite renovations of traditional agricultural stock, and all recognised by the Saltire Society’s Housing Design Awards, are visually rich both in themselves and the contexts in which they sit. The houses are set firmly within historic, economic and social contexts and are much more than bolt holes from the urban. Some of our buildings are active participants in rural regeneration and others reflect, in a profound way, what authenticity really means in the countryside. Like architecture everywhere, they present a mirror to a society’s preoccupations and values. However, this is a book too about architecture’s capacity to inspire and endlessly delight.