Biographical note
Maria Eisenmann holds the Chair for Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. She studied English, German and Pedagogy at the Universities of Würzburg and Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Her main research interests are in the areas of teaching literature, media literacy as well as inter- and transcultural learning. She has edited and co-edited numerous books and published widely in the field of teaching literature and literary literacy.
Christian Ludwig is currently a substitute professor for American Cultural and Literary Studies at the University of Education, Karlsruhe, where he is also the Head of the English Department and Director of the Language Learning Centre. His teaching and research interests include enhancing learner autonomy in the EFL classroom as well as Computer-Assisted Language Learning. His focus of research lies in the reconstruction of gender and other identities in contemporary young adult dystopias and South African literature.