This encyclopedia inventories approximately 250 percussion instruments and effects, addressing new developments, particularly in the second half of the twentieth century, and consisting of instruments from all parts of the world. Entries are sometimes brief and sometimes more than a page and contain illustrations and range, if applicable. Other chapters are on the percussion in the orchestra, as soloist and in ensembles, composing and publishing percussion music, use in education, an alphabetical directory of manufacturers and suppliers, and information on the Percussive Arts Society. Half the book is a catalog of works and their instrumentation, listed alphabetically by composer. It includes a brief foreword by conductor and composer Pierre Boulez. There is no bibliography. Holland is an experienced percussionist who performs with the BBC Symphony.
Reference and Research Book News
Understandable to general readers, Practical Percussion would be particularly helpful to young adult musicians exploring musical options and careers.
American Reference Books Annual
This 2005, revised, hardbound 201-page tome has...six chapters...[and] There are also appendices that deal with information regarding PAS, a listing of percussion instrumentation included in selected orchestral, ensemble, and solo repertoire (103 pages), a six-page index, and information regarding the author.
Percussive Notes
...provides insights into percussion topics.
Music Reference Services Quarterly, 2005 (vol 9, no 3)