<p><em>Planning Singapore: The Experimental City</em> is a comprehensive expert analysis of contemporary Singapore by experienced urbanists. A democratic authoritarian government has guided Singapore’s urban development with exceptional success, transitioning Singapore into a significant global city. It has successfully provided housing to a large proportion of the population. In parallel the Singapore economy has grown steadily with the support of government firms and foreign multinationals. Challenges include a slowly emerging gig economy, growing social inequality and a need for enhanced opportunity for creativity and innovation. The authors have provided a readable, nuanced, assessment of a well planned global hub.</p><p>Dean Forbes</p><p>Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor Emeritus</p><p>Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia</p><p>Now two centuries since Raffles planted the British flag on the site of the ancient kingdom of Temasek, we know for certain that his instincts about the island’s potential greatness were correct. The experts that Hamnett and Yuen have assembled in <i>Planning Singapore: The Experimental City</i> enable us to understand how Singapore’s unique and highly integrated planning and governance approach, with its experimental qualities, will guide its future.</p><p>Christopher Silver</p><p>Professor</p><p>Urban and Regional Planning</p><p>University of Florida, Gainesville</p>
<p><em>Planning Singapore: The Experimental City</em> is a comprehensive expert analysis of contemporary Singapore by experienced urbanists. A democratic authoritarian government has guided Singapore’s urban development with exceptional success, transitioning Singapore into a significant global city. It has successfully provided housing to a large proportion of the population. In parallel the Singapore economy has grown steadily with the support of government firms and foreign multinationals. Challenges include a slowly emerging gig economy, growing social inequality and a need for enhanced opportunity for creativity and innovation. The authors have provided a readable, nuanced, assessment of a well planned global hub.</p><p>Dean Forbes</p><p>Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor Emeritus</p><p>Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia</p><p>Now two centuries since Raffles planted the British flag on the site of the ancient kingdom of Temasek, we know for certain that his instincts about the island’s potential greatness were correct. The experts that Hamnett and Yuen have assembled in <i>Planning Singapore: The Experimental City</i> enable us to understand how Singapore’s unique and highly integrated planning and governance approach, with its experimental qualities, will guide its future.</p><p>Christopher Silver</p><p>Professor</p><p>Urban and Regional Planning</p><p>University of Florida, Gainesville</p><p>This is an important reference point for urban planning students and researchers alike. It tells much of the Singapore story so far in a concise and informative way but it also includes important elements of reflection on and criticism of its meaning for urban planning elsewhere and signposts some of the likely future twists and turns in this remarkable tale.</p><p><em>Nicholas A. Phelps</em>, <em>Urban Policy and Research, </em>November 2019</p>
Biographical note
Stephen Hamnett is Emeritus Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of South Australia and a Commissioner of the Environment, Resources and Development Court of South Australia.
Belinda Yuen is Professorial Research Fellow and Research Director at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design.