What makes the book so charming is its humor, and its absolute commitment to Pixar's films as important contributions to modern man's self-understanding.
Dixikon (Bloomsbury translation)
Everyone has always felt that Pixar films revolutionized animation, and this revolution seemed due simply to technological and narrative inventiveness. With the appearance of Lilian Monk Rösing’s <i>Pixar with Lacan</i>, we now know the true reason for the Pixar revolution. The greatness of Pixar films stems directly from their profound engagement with Lacanian theory. The animation that Pixar creates is, as Rösing shows, the animation of the subject itself. Through a series of groundbreaking readings of all the major Pixar films, Rösing provides us with the definitive account of the reason for the Pixar revolution. If we watch Pixar films closely enough, we will have in ready to hand all the central concepts of Lacan theory, and Rösing shows us this is a breathtaking fashion.
Todd McGowan, Associate Professor of Film and Television Studies, University of Vermont, USA, and author of The Real Gaze: Film Theory After Lacan
I found the book imaginative, engaging and unusually perceptive about the linkage of Pixar's animation to what drives us psychologically, economically and ideologically. Munk Rosing takes on all of Pixar's films, from <i>Toy Story</i> to <i>Up!</i>, demonstrating her depth of knowledge of the techniques and innovations in animation that she then analyzes beautifully by the light of psychoanalytic theory after Freud and Lacan. This is a tour de force, a must-read for all students of contemporary culture.
Juliet Flower MacCannell, Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, USA