One commonplace assumption in Continental philosophy circles today is that there is an unbridgeable gap between, on the one hand, Kantian and post-Kantian critical tradition in German thought and, on the other, Husserlian and post-Husserlian phenomenology. Phenomena-Critique-Logos challenges this assumption and endeavors to work out a systematic concept of critique, using the resources of phenomenology itself. In this innovative work, Michael Marder argues that critique is situated at the very heart of phenomenology, traversing the Husserlian oeuvre and regulating the relation between phenomena and logos, conceived in its multiple senses as reason, logic, a mode of thinking, study and word. Having outlined the features of phenomenology as a kind of critique, Marder goes on to demonstrate how it is applicable to ontology, ethics and politics, through sustained readings of Heidegger, Levinas, Arendt and Derrida, as well as through an original elaboration of phenomenological critique pertinent to each of these fields.
Les mer
A highly original reading of the history of phenomenology that offers a new systematic concept of critique.
Introduction: In the Beginning Was a Critique of Logos/ Part I: Critical Phenomenology: Back to Husserl / 1. The Pulse of Phenomenology / 2. Phenomena: A Critique of Logos / 3. Logos: A Critique of Phenomena / Part II: Ontological Critique: Heidegger and the Phenomenology of Ontico-Ontological Difference / 4. Plus d’Un … Phenomenologie / 5. Critique and the Absolute / 6. Critical Difference: Truth and Experience / Part III: Ethical Critique: Levinas and the Trembling of Phenomenology / 7. Shaken Grounds: Critique as an Earthquake / 8. Shaken Subjects: Critical Dislocations / 9. Critique for the Other / Part IV: Political Critique: Arendt and the Crisis of Beginnings / 10. Critical Phenomenology as Action / 11. Arendt With and Against Husserl / 12. Phenomenology’s Logos as a Critique of Violence / 13. Phenomenology’s Phenomena as a Critique of Totalitarianism / 14. Revolution: When Critique Becomes Creative / Part V: Critical Twilight: Derrida and the Postmetaphysical Critique of Phenomenology / 15.Neither Critical Nor Uncritical / 16. Critique Reduced – To difference / 17. Between Phenomenology and Grammatology / 18. Logos, Both More and Less Than a Voice / 19. On the Uncritical Divide at the Heart of Critique / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index
Les mer
In Phenomena—Critique—Logos Michael Marder rethinks the phenomenological project in light of the centrality of critique and self-critique, thus illuminating the seismic motility of thinking as it addresses and articulates phenomena. Such a critical sensibility remarkably spans the work of Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Arendt, and Derrida, urging a reassessment of the relation between phenomenology and Kantian philosophy.
Les mer
Presents a unique take on the history of phenomenology, challenging commonplace assumptions


Rowman & Littlefield International
245 gr
225 mm
154 mm
13 mm
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Biographical note

Michael Marder is Ikerbasque Research Professor in Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country. He is an associate editor of the journal Telos and his publications include Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life (Columbia University Press, 2013) and Groundless Existence: The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt (Bloomsbury, 2012).