Biographical note
Giuliana Sorce (PhD, Penn State University) is a postdoctoral scholar in the Institute of Media Studies at the University of Tubingen, Germany. She researches digital media and society with a specialization in activism and social movements. She is the editor of Global Perspectives on NGO Communication for Social Change (Routledge, 2022) and currently serves her second term as chair for the Communication and Democracy section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Her research has appeared in journals such as Media and Communication, Convergence, Journalism Practice, or Environmental Communication.
Tanja Thomas (PhD, University of Tubingen) is Professor of Media Studies with a focus on Transformations in Media Cultures at the University of Tubingen, Germany. She researches media and migration; memory culture in the media society; right-wing violence, racism and media; participation and protest from a gender, and memory and cultural (media) studies perspective. Her projects on media, migration, and memory have received multiple grants from German and international research foundations (Volkswagen Foundation, German Research Foundation, and the German Israeli Foundation). She is co-editor of Media and Participation in Post- Migrant Societies (2022). Since 2013, she co-edits the interdisciplinary journal feministische studien.