In this kind, funny autobiography, Moore does his best to debunk his image as an upper-crust all-action hero... so engaging... so genuine. This is a delightful book, crammed with anecdotes of the television and film industry from the Fifties to the Noughties
The Mail on Sunday
Moore's autobiography is the funniest film memoir since David Niven's <i>The Moon's A Balloon</i>
The Daily Mail
Stuffed with showbiz anecdotes
The Sun
Funny, frank and charming
The Lady
There are stories galore... With a warm, winning mix of self-deprecation and praise for family, friends and colleagues, Sir Roger emerges as a figure every bit as dashing, but rather better-natured, than any he's played onscreen
Warm-hearted recollections of a long and distinguished career
The Scotsman
A lovely, ambling read
The Times
An amusing and racy memoir... Moore's wit and self-deprecation are evident on every page
The Stage
A man who can still snap a woman's knicker elastic with the flick of an eyebrow
The Times