Who are 'the people' in Milton's writing? They figure prominently in his texts from early youth to late maturity, in his poetry and in his prose works; they are invoked as the sovereign power in the state and have the right to overthrow tyrants; they are also, as God's chosen people, the guardians of the true Protestant path against those who would corrupt or destroy the Reformation. They are entrusted with the preservation of liberty in both the secular and the spiritual spheres. And yet Milton is uncomfortably aware that the people are rarely sufficiently moral, pure, intelligent, or energetic to discharge those responsibilities which his political theory and his theology would place upon them. When given the freedom to choose, they too often prefer servitude to freedom. Milton and the People traces the twists and turns of Milton's terminology and rhetoric across the whole range of his writings, in verse and prose, as he grapples with the problem that the people have a calling to which they seem not to be adequate. Indeed, they are often referred to not as 'the people' but as 'the vulgar', as well as 'the rude multitude', 'the rabble', and even as 'scum'. Increasingly his rhetoric imagines that liberty or salvation may lie not with the people but in the hands of a small group or even an individual. An additional thread which runs through this discussion is Milton's own self-image: as he takes responsibility for defining the vocation of the people, and for analysing the causes of their defection from that high calling, his own role comes under scrutiny both from himself and from his enemies.
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Milton and the People examines John Milton's beliefs in the role of the people, tracing the twists and turns of Milton's terminology and rhetoric as he grapples with the problem that the people have a calling to which they seem not to be adequate.
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Acknowledgements ; Notes on the Text and Abbreviations ; 1. Who are 'the people'? ; 2. The Young Milton and the Writer's Vocation ; 3. The Anti-Prelatical Tracts ; 4. The Writings on Divorce ; 5. Areopagitica ; 6. The English Political Writings ; Excursus: Hobbes and the People ; 7. The Latin Political Writings ; 8. The Restoration Prose Writings ; 9. The Major Poems: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regain'd, and Samson Agonistes ; Epilogue ; Bibliography ; Index
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Hammonds is a scholarly, accessible work that pays extremely close attention to details and offers abundant context for scholars and students of Miltons political thought. Students of mid-seventeenth-century English political thought might also find the book useful, as the legion of primary sources (and the excursus into Hobbess political philosophy) helpfully contextualizes Miltons thought by comparing it to his contemporaries, many of them Miltons polemical adversaries.
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Analyses a key concept in Milton's thought Offers detailed analysis of Milton's language, including Latin Covers all of his poetry and prose Situates Milton's beliefs amongst those of his contemporaries
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Paul Hammond is Professor of Seventeenth-Century English Literature at the University of Leeds, and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was previously a Prize Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Analyses a key concept in Milton's thought Offers detailed analysis of Milton's language, including Latin Covers all of his poetry and prose Situates Milton's beliefs amongst those of his contemporaries
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Oxford University Press
480 gr
222 mm
147 mm
25 mm
UP, UU, 05
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Antall sider


Biographical note

Paul Hammond is Professor of Seventeenth-Century English Literature at the University of Leeds, and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was previously a Prize Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.