Vivid, dreamlike...the strength of de Rosnay's biography is that it makes me want to visit (or revisit) her subject's books.
Daily Mail
Ms. de Rosnay has written a biography that does justice to its heroine.
Wall Street Journal
immersive, as thrilling as any of du Maurier's plots...brilliant
Irish Independent
Clever and highly original...insightful and endearing
The Lady
It's impressive how Tatiana was able to recreate the personality of my mother, including her sense of humour. It is very well written and very moving. I'm sure my mother would have loved this book.
Tessa Montgomery d’Alamein, daughter of Daphne du Maurier
A fascinating, in-depth portrait...Through de Rosnay's novel-like narrative, exhaustive research and unbridled imagination, du Maurier's spirit comes alive on the page.
Publishers Weekly