[Employs] engaging writing and [a] clear layout of the topic ... A great resource for first timers in literary theory. The second and third sections of the volume are of greatest interest and can prove useful to those who wish to grasp how literary studies have embraced a wider scope both in theory and practice.
[An] interesting, helpful volume that, to use the words of J. Hillis Miller, ‘will be useful' for advanced literature courses, even postgraduate ones, or as a great resource for teachers of literature, or as a valuable resource for ordinary readers who may want to know something about what is meant by the ‘‘narrator’’ of a novel, or by ‘‘ethnicity’’ in literature.
The Year's Work in English Studies
The range of topics covered in this volume is both capacious and creative. Individual entries are very deft in their interweaving of analysis with example and score high marks for clarity. An excellent resource for students as well as for anyone keen to brush up their knowledge of what’s happening in literary studies.
Rita Felski, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of English, University of Virginia