<p>"This book will greatly enhance students’ knowledge of the historical evolution of the short story, and scholars of the short story genre will feel illuminated by the application of the theory of liminality to the conceptualization of the short story […] The contributors’ unique approach to the liminal aspects in the short story will allow readers to see the short story form in a new light." – <i>Monika Elbert, Department of English, Montclair State University, USA</i></p>
Biographical note
Jochen Achilles is Professor of American Studies at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany. His authored book publications include a study on the development of Sean O'Casey's plays in the context of modern drama and a book on the interface between the gothic tradition and psychological fiction, focusing on Sheridan Le Fanu. His most recent book publications are co-edited volumes on representations of evil in fiction and film (2009) and on liminal anthropologies (2012).
Ina Bergmann is Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany. She is the author of And Then the Child Becomes a Woman (2003) and co-editor of Global Challenges and Regional Responses in Contemporary Drama in English (2003) and Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film (2009).