<p>"Legal photojournalism and legal photography can be indeed the lenses to see into and through much of the communist past because they provide a path where several disciplines successfully join, allowing for a more convincing and thought-provoking approach to what has been silenced, such as the brave intellectual Musine Kokalari’s story, and many other unknown Musines in Albania and in the Eastern Bloc. This book is a powerful reminder of how much we need to remember, revisit and question the past under communism in case we truly want to understand and eventually envision a future." <b>Dr. Bavjola Shatro, </b><i>Associate Professor, Aleksander Moisiu University, Albania.</i></p><p>"Agata Fijalkowski provides a unique and exceptionally assiduously researched and referenced exploration of a number of show trials in post-World War II East Germany, Poland and Albania...The author emphasises the importance of photography in documenting contemporary images in portraying the ferocity of state imposition....Her book gives a truly fascinating and wide-ranging account of the relationship between the law and photography in authoritarian states." <b>Dr Antonia Young</b><i>, Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford and Research Associate in Sociology and Anthropology, Colgate University in New York.</i></p><p>"<i>Law, Visual Culture, and the Show Trial</i> is a pioneering exploration of the cultural connections between photos publicising show trials and the longer aesthetic traditions they resonate with"<b>, Emeritus Prof Leslie Moran, </b><i>Birkbeck Law School, University of London.</i></p><p>"This fascinating and important book illuminates the relationship between photographic propaganda, show trials and the legitimacy of the law. It encourages us to think about the visual in propaganda and its impact on political authoritarianism and the law. In addition to making a valuable contribution to socio-legal studies and law and humanities, it should appeal to scholars across a wide range of disciplines", <b>Prof. Emeritus David Sugarman</b><i>, Lancaster University Law School; Senior Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London; Senior Associate, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford.</i></p><p>"In an age in which echoes of the authoritarian and totalitarian past, both East and West, are increasing in volume and the past is rehabilitated the author’s insistent focus on the singular, subjectivity throughout Law Visual Culture, and the Show Trial is a quiet but consistently emancipatory political act." <b>Dr David Seymour</b><i>, The City Law School, City University of London.</i></p><p>"Agata's book is a vital commentary about the way that images are used as 'window dressing' for a regime and presents provocative questions about how modern aspects of photography play a role in political authoriatanism",<b> Dr Mara Malagodi,</b><i> School of Law, University of Warwick.</i></p><p>"This book represents a profound philosophical exploration of the intricate relationship between the promotion of injustice as justice and its connection to the concept of image." <strong>Mal Berisha, </strong><i>Former Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Court of St. James’s in London.</i></p><p>"Fijalkowski’s insistent focus on the individual’s, subjectivity throughout <i>Law Visual Culture and the Show Trial</i> is an understated emancipatory political act...It seems to me that not only the strength but also the humanity of <i>Law, Visual Culture and the Show Trial </i>is Fijalkowski’s demand that we free the image from the narrative in which the person has been captured, abstracted and reduced." <b>David Seymour</b>, <i>City Law School, City University of London, UK</i></p>
Biographical note
Agata Fijalkowski is Reader in Law at Leeds Beckett University, UK.