This revised edition of King Richard II: Critical Tradition increases our the play was received and understood by critics, editors and general readers. Updated with a new introduction providing a survey of critical responses to Richard II since the 1990s to the present day, this volume offers, in separate sections, both critical opinions about the play across the centuries and an evaluation of their positions within and their impact on the reception of the play. The updated introduction offers an overview of recent criticism on the play in relation to feminist theory, queer theory, performance theory and ecocriticism. The chronological arrangement of the text-excerpts engages the readers in a direct and unbiased dialogue, whereas the introduction offers a critical evaluation from a current stance, including modern theories and methods. Featuring criticism by A.C. Swinburne, Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde and W.B. Yeats, this volume makes a major contribution to our understanding of the play and of the traditions of Shakespearean criticism surrounding it as they have developed from century to century.
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GENERAL EDITOR'S PREFACE PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION TO REVISED EDITION INTRODUCTION1 EDWARD CAPELL, various notes on Richard II, 17802 EDMOND MALONE and others, supplementary remarks on Richard II, 17803 THOMAS DAVIES, on the deposition scene in Richard II, 17844 EDMOND MALONE, edition of Shakespeare, 17905 JOSEPH RITSON, Shakespeare's part-authorship of Richard II and other notes, 17936 GEORGE STEEVENS, notes on Richard II, 17937 GEORGE CHALMERS, on the date and political significance of Richard II, 17998 CHARLES DIBDIN, Richard II inferior to Richard III, 18009 FRANCIS DOUCE, Richard II and the memento mori tradition, 180710 CHARLES LAMB, Marlowe's Edward II compared to Richard II, 180811 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE, on Richard II and the history play, 181312 WILLIAM HAZLITT, a critique of Edmund Kean as Richard II, 181513 RICHARD WROUGHTON, advertisement of an adaptation of Richard II, 181514 A.W. VON SCHLEGEL, Richard II and the unity of Shakespeare's history plays, 181515 NATHAN DRAKE, a sympathetic view of Richard II, 181716 WILLIAM HAZLITT, characterization in Richard II, 181717 JOHN HAMILTON REYNOLDS, the poetry of Richard II and the other histories, 181718 AUGUSTINE SKOTTOWE, Richard II and the truth of history, 182419 GEORGE DANIEL, prefatory remarks on Richard II, 183120 HENRY NELSON COLERIDGE, another version of Coleridge on Richard II, 183621 HENRY HALLAM, on the scene of Aumerle's pardon in Richard II, 1837-922 THOMAS CAMPBELL, general comments on Richard II, 183823 THOMAS PEREGRINE COURTENAY, Richard II and history, 183824 CHARLES KNIGHT, the pictorial edition of Richard II, 183825 JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, on the existence of two plays on Richard II’s reign, 184226 HERMANN ULRICI, kingship and the morality of Richard II, 184627 GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, critical remarks on Richard II, 184728 HARTLEY COLERIDGE, a comment on Richard II, 185129 FRANCOIS P.G. GUIZOT, history, character, and divine right in Richard II, 185230 HENRY N. HUDSON, historical truth and characterization in Richard II, 185231 HENRY REED, history as tragedy in Richard II, 185532 WILLIAM WATKISS LLOYD, the political morality of Richard II, 185633 RICHARD GRANT WHITE, Richard II, Daniel's Civil Wars, and the play'sdate, 185934 G.G. GERVINUS, the characterization and artistry of Richard II, 186335 JOHN A. HERAUD, the play's divided authorship and Shakespeare's attitudeto divine right, 186536 HENRY N. HUDSON, further observations on Richard II, 187237 RICHARD SIMPSON, Richard II and Elizabethan politics, 187438 EDWARD DOWDEN, the immaturity of Richard II and the realism ofBolingbroke, 187539 A.C.SWINBURNE, an unsympathetic view of Richard II, 187540 FJ. FURNIVALL, the topicality of Richard II and the character of its protagonist, 187741 DENTONJ. SNIDER, Richard II and the right of revolution, 187742 P.A. DANIEL, time problems in Richard II, 187943 OSCAR WILDE, Shakespeare's concern with costume in Richard II, 188544 A.W. VERITY, Marlowe's influence on Richard II, 188645 RICHARD GRANT WHITE, Richard II/and Richard II compared, 188646 HAVELOCK ELLIS, on the inferiority of Richard II to Marlowe's Edward II, 188747 FRANK A. MARSHALL, the theatrical weakness of Richard II, 188848 WALTER PATER, ritual and lyricism in Richard II, 188949 P.A. DANIEL, a nonpolitical reason for omitting the deposition scene from the early quartos of Richard II, 189050 CYRIL RANSOME, character disclosure and dramatic symmetry in Richard II,189051 E.K. CHAMBERS, the artistry of Richard II, 189152 C.H. HERFORD, miscellaneous comments on Richard II, 189353 BEVERLEY E. WARNER, characterization and history in Richard II, 189454 BARRETT WENDELL, Richard II as an archaic masterpiece, 189455 FREDERICK S. BOAS, diseased will and sentimentalism in Richard II, 189656 GEORGBRANDES, Edward II and Richard II contrasted, 189857 C.E. MONTAGUE, on F.R. Benson's portrayal of Richard II, 189958 SIDNEY LEE, Benson's Richard II and the acting of minor roles, 190059 W.B. YEATS, Richard II and Henry V as emblems of refinement and vulgarity, 190160 FREDERICKS. BOAS, the relation of Woodstock to Richard II, 190261 FELIX E. SCHELLING, Shakespeare's independence in Richard II, 190262 H.F. PREVOST BATTERSBY, on Herbert Beerbohm Tree's Richard II, 190363 RICHARD G. MOULTON, Richard II, the divine right of kings, and the pendulum of history, 190364 A.C. SWINBURNE, an iconoclastic view of Richard II, 190365 A.C. BRADLEY, on Richard II and tragedy, 190466 STOPFORD A. BROOKE, purgation through tragic suffering in Richard II, 190567 MORTON LUCE, Richard II a disappointing failure, 190568 GEORGE PIERCE BAKER, Richard II and the weaknesses and strengths of the chronicle play, 190769 SIR WALTER RALEIGH, weakness and the philosophic strain in the character of Richard II, 190770 GEORGE SAINTSBURY, Richard II as an imperfect but rhetorically unique drama, 190771 ASHLEY H. THORNDIKE, structure, style, and characterization in Richard II, 190872 A.C. BRADLEY, further comments on Richard II, 190973 G.S. GORDON, patriotism and the absence of moral order in Richard II,190974 CHARLOTTE PORTER, the subtle artistry of act I, 191075 C.F. TUCKER BROOKE, miscellaneous comments on Richard II, 191176 JOHN MASEFIELD, Richard II as a tragedy of double treachery, 191177 HARDIN CRAIG, from an introduction to Richard II, 191278 IVOR B.JOHN, from an introduction to Richard II, 191279 BRANDER MATTHEWS, dramaturgical weakness and psychological strength in Richard II, 191380 LACY COLLISON-MORLEY, Alessandro Manzoni's anti-classical perspective on Richard II, 191681 WILHELM CREIZENACH, miscellaneous comments on Richard II, 191682 J.A.R. MARRIOTT, historical context and Richard II as a tragedy of political amateurism, 1918NOTESSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX
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An indispensable scholarly resource offering a unique account of the critical history of Shakespeare's play, updated to account for recent trends in scholarship.
Features key critical responses to the play spanning 3 centuries
The aim of the Critical Tradition series is to increase our knowledge of how Shakespeare’s plays were received and understood by critics, editors and general readers. Each volume traces the course of Shakespeare criticism, play-by-play, from the earliest items of recorded criticism to the beginnings of the modern period. The focus of the documentary material is from the late 18th century to the first half of the 20th century. The series makes a major contribution to our understanding of the plays and of the traditions of Shakespearean criticism as they have developed from century to century. The introduction to each volume constitutes an important chapter of literary history, tracing the entire critical career of each play from the beginnings to the present day. The revised series includes updated and expanded editions of King John, Richard II and Coriolanus, alongside editions of plays previously unexplored in the series.
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Introduction and notes by
Biographical note
Charles R. Forker (1927-2014) was Professor Emeritus of English at Indiana University, USA.
Nicholas F. Radel is Professor of English at Furman University, Greenville, USA. His publications include Understanding Edmund White (2013) and The Puritan Origins of American Sex: Religion, Sexuality, and National Identity in American Literature, co-edited with Tracy Fessenden and Magdalena Zaborowska (2001).