Karl Neubacher worked primarily as a graphic designer. His posters, based on artistic concepts, are legendary. With his blending of elements drawn from commercial art, on the one hand, and conceptual
and media art, on the other, he was able to generate creative fields of tension. His key means of expression were photography and film. Neubacher’s oeuvre is to be understood within the context of media art, and it is for this reason that it remains relevant today.
The central preoccupation of Neubacher’s art was his own body, which he directly employed in his performance art, whilst also instrumentalising it as an image in its own right in various media.
The book is published as a catalog to the big show at the Kunsthaus Graz and is also the first comprehensive monograph on the Austrian universal artist Karl Neubacher.
Peter Pakesch: Vorwort/Preface
Günther Holler-Schuster: Karl Neubacher Medienkünstler/Media Artist, 1926-1978
Karl Neubacher: Briefe an die ÖVP (Österreichische Volkspartei)/Letters to the ÖVP (Austrian People's Party)
Orhan Kipcak: Karl Neubacher, Bedeutungsingenieur/ Engineer of Meaning
Horst Gerhard Haberl: Postings wider die Engstirnigkeit/ Postings against Narrow-mindedness
Karl Neubacher: Kriegspfirsich
Bogdan Grbi?: Neubachers "Motion-pictures"
Klaus Hoffer Wer bist du?/Who are you?
Abbildungen/Illustrations: Werke/Works 1955-1978, Filme/Films, pfirsich, pferscha, Textarbeiten/ Text Works
Biographical note
G. Holler-Schuster is a founding member of the art group G.R.A.M.; P.Pakesch is artistic director at the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz.