'Djordjevic's book is lucidly written and admirably free of inflated, abstract, and needlessly pretentious jargon. Its arguments are pointed, precise, and evidential. Those unfamiliar with Holinshed will find it extremely useful; those who believe that they already know the Chronicles well will find in it much to augment and perhaps to challenge their thinking.' Renaissance Quarterly 'Holinshed's Nation reflects a serious (and for the most part, solid) response to Annabel Patterson's contention that Holinshed's Chronicles deserve our careful reading and reflection.' The Library 'Djordjevic's book is rich with implications for how chronicles could become maps to national greatness and ethical politics in early modern England, even taking the argument into the pre-Civil War era when more didactic readings were expected and providential history were the norm. ... [This study is] opening up a new way to see this influential text, on which Shakespeare and others constructed much of England's national identity in these critical years, gives both historians and literary scholars much to think about.' Literature & History '... an important examination of the Chronicles' shaping of early modern political values that admirably keeps in view the significant differences between its editions and the importance of its early modern readers.' English Studies