In The Heritage Game Alan Peacock and Ilde Rizzo tackle fascinating and under-explored questions about the application of economic theories to cultural policy. They effortlessly combine academic rigour with amusing and perceptive insights into the motivations behind the public guardianship of culture and heritage.
Mark Jones, Director, Victoria & Albert Museum
Here is a wonderful book on the economics of cultural heritage. It deals with museums and galleries and with monumental sites. It gives plenty of useful advice on performance appraisal and the case for public intervention. It is a must for all practitioners in the cultural field as well as students.
Rick van der Ploeg, former State Secretary of Culture, The Netherlands and Elected Member of the Unesco World Heritage Committee
Admirers of Sir Alan's previous work will be delighted by The Heritage Game co-authored with Ilde Rizzo. Brilliantly argued and accessibly written, the book tackles an important and difficult topic in typically thoughtful and provocative fashion.
Victor Ginsburgh, Université Libre de Bruxelles