thorough and up-to-date...[a] very rich treatment of Gregory's theology.
Anthony Meredith. The Journal of Theological Studies.
an ambitious overview of a fascinating subfield in which patristics and systematics interact.
Augustine Casiday, Theology
Morwenna Ludlow's magnificent and assured book has a clarity and a brilliance that shines on a number of levels.
David Jasper, Literature and Theology
an important new contribution to scholarship on Gregory Nyssen and the Cappadocian...Ludlow's latest book is a fine work, with conclusions that contribute to both Cappadocian scholarship and the broader field of patristics...a volume that will introduce new students to contemporary interpretations of Gregory and engage many long-time readers with new questions and insights into the method of interpreting patristic texts.
Kevin D. Hill, Review of Biblical Literature
This is a valuable contribution to the growing scholarship on Gregory of Nyssa.
Ilaria Ramelli, Review of Biblical Literature
Morwenna Ludlow's magnificent and assured book has a clarity and a brilliance that shines on a number of levels
Literature and Theology