List of plates
List of abbreviations and notes on references
101: Victory of Hieron of Syracuse at Cyme, c. 474/3
102: Public curses at Teos and Abdera, 480-450
103: Thasian laws relating to wine, c. 470/420
104: Thasian regulation of behaviour in the streets, 460s
105: Micythus' dedications at Olympia, c. 460
106: Eleusinian regulations, before 460
107: Decree of the Athenian deme Scambonidae, c. 460
108: Athenian decree concerning the genos of the Praxiergidai, 450s to 420s
109: Casualty-list of the Athenian tribe Erechtheis, 459
110: Samians fight in Egypt, c. 460 454
111: Casualty list of the Argives killed at Tanagra, 458 or 457
112: Thank-offering for the Victory of Tanagra, 458 or 457
113: An Athenian dead on Aegina, after c. 457
114: A victory of Selinus, fifth century
115: A sacred law from Selinus, 450s
116: Athenian dealings with the Delphic Amphictyony, c. 457
117: Thessalian dedications after the battle of Tanagra, c. 457
118: Thetonium in Thessaly honours a Corinthian, c. 450-425
119: Athenian tribute quota lists, 454/3-432/1
120: Athenian judicial relations with Phaselis, before c. 450 (?)
121: Athenian regulations for Erythrae, late 450s
122: Regulations from Erythrae, c. late 450s
123: Political expulsions from Miletus, c. 450-440
124: Lead tablets from Camarina, c. 450
125: Civil laws of Gortyn, c. 450
126: Relations between Argos, Cnossus, and Tylissus, c. 450
127: Elis honours a Spartan and a Euboean, c. 450
128: Treaty between Sparta and the Erxadieis, c. 450(?)
129: Athenian casualty list, c. 447
130: Athenian campaign in the Megarid, 446
131: Athenian relations with Chalcis, 446/5 or 424/3
132: Halicarnassian law concerning disputed property, c. 450
133: Land confiscation and its consequences on Chios, c. 479-450
134: Accounts of Nemesis of Rhamnous, c. 450-440
135: Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena, 447-438
136: Cypress from Carpathus, 445-430
137: Athens' appointment of a priestess and building of a temple to Athena Nike, c. 438 or 450 445
138: Payments for Athens' Samian war, 440 and 439
139: Athenian treaty with Samos, 439
140: Victory of Taras over Thurii, c. 443-433
141: Athenian decree regulating the offering of first-fruits at Eleusis, c. 435 or earlier
142: Athenian colony at Brea, 430s (?)
143: Religious decree of Miletus, 434/3
144: Athenian financial decrees, 434/3
145: Building accounts of the Parthenon, 434/3
146: Calendar of sacrifices from the Athenian deme of Thoricus, c. 430
147: Accounts of the Delian Temples, 434-432
148: Payments for Athens' expeditions to Corcyra, 433/2
149: Reaffirmed Athenian alliances with Rhegium and Leontini, 433/2
150: Athenian decrees for Methone, 430/29-424/3
151: Contributions to a Spartan war fund, c. 427-412
152: Athenian decree proposed by Cleonymus about Delian League tribute, 426/5 (?)
153: Athenian decree proposed by Thudippus for the reassessment of Delian League tribute, 425/4
154: Athenian decree proposed by Cleinias about Delian League tribute, 425/4 or slightly later (?)
155: Athenian decree enforcing the use of Athenian coins, weights, and measures, c. 425-415
156: Athenian decree concerning the priestess of Athena Nike, 424/3
157: Athens honours Heracleides of Clazomenae, 423 or later
158: Regulations on the duties of envoys sent to Delphi by Andros, inscribed at Delphi, c. 425
159: Decree of the Athenian deme Plotheia, c. 420
160: Loans to the Athenian state from the sacred treasuries, 426/5-423/2
161: Athens honours Polypeithes of Siphnos, 422/1
162: Athens honours Callippus of Thessaly, 422/1
163: Naupactians and Messenians, c. 420s
164: Thank-offering of the Messenians and Naupactians, c. 423
165: Alliance of Athens, Argos, Mantinea, and Elis, 420
166: Athenian Treaties with Egesta and Halicyae, 418/7-416/5
167: Athenian decree about the sanctuary of Neleus, Basile, and Codrus, 418/7
168: Athenian tribute quota-list, 418/7 (?)
169: Inventory of the treasures in the hekatompedon at Athens, 418/7
170: Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7-415/4
171: Athenian decrees relating to the Sicilian expedition, 415
172: Confiscated property of the Hermocopidae, 414
173: Oligarchic Athens honours Pythophanes, 411
174: Payments from the treasury of Athena, 411
175: Eretria thanks Hegelochus for assistance in its liberation from Athens, 411
176: Rewards for denouncing uprisings at Thasos, 411-409 (?)
177: Thasian supporters of democracy and Athens, after 411
178: Theozotides and the Athenian orphans, c. 410
179: Gravestone of the Athenian Myrrhine, c. 410
180: Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/09
181: Erechtheum building accounts, 409/8 and 408/7
182: Athens honours the assassins of Phrynichus, 410/09
183: Republication of Athenian Laws, 410/09-400/399
184: Athens honours Oeniades of (Palae)Sciathus, 408/7
185: Athenian ratification of Alcibiades' treaty with Selymbria, 407
186: Ratification of an Athenian treaty with the Clazomenians at Daphnus, 407
187: Athens honours Neapolis in Thrace, 409-407
188: Athens honours Archelaus of Macedon, 407/6
189: An Athenian decree concerning Carthage, 406
190: List of sailors in Athenian triremes, 412-405
191: Athens honours the Samians, 405/4
192: Thank-offering for victory at Aegospotami, shortly after 405
193: Monument of the Lycian dynast Gergis, late fifth century
194: Funeral law from Iulis on Ceos, late fifth century
195: Monetary pact between Mytilene and Phocaea, late fifth century (?)
Athenian archons, 478/7-404/3
Concordance of standard editions
Index I: Persons and places
Index II: Subjects
Index III: Significant Greek words
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