For modern scholars the volume provides a remarkable range of fascinating and valuable information. Those who approach Boswell for the first time have ample information to position him in his socio-cultural context, and Boswell scholars will find a rich body of scholarly resources to assist their own research. -- Sharon Alker Studies in Hogg and His World this buik is weill warth a mukkil effort, an it claerlie belangs the shelfs o onie univairsitie leibrarie... -- Lallans 70 2007 For modern scholars the volume provides a remarkable range of fascinating and valuable information. Those who approach Boswell for the first time have ample information to position him in his socio-cultural context, and Boswell scholars will find a rich body of scholarly resources to assist their own research. this buik is weill warth a mukkil effort, an it claerlie belangs the shelfs o onie univairsitie leibrarie...