André Laks and Glenn W. Most have made available to the world of scholarship in early Greek philosophy a resource of immense value. Every study of a thinker or of an issue within the thematic ambit of <i>Early Greek Philosophy</i> must henceforth start by canvassing and taking into account the appropriate selections in the Loeb set.
- Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
In brief, André Laks and Glenn Most give us a brilliant and beautiful reference work that can, at the same time, be easily enough read straight through. And spending a few months doing so gives the reader almost all that she needs (perhaps along with Loeb #258, <i>Greek Elegiac Poetry</i>) to reconstruct for herself the origins of the discipline of philosophy. I should want any graduate student or colleague in ancient philosophy or intellectual history to acquire and make their way through it.
- Christopher Moore, Classical Journal
The publication of the Loeb Classical Library’s nine-volume set, <i>Early Greek Philosophy</i>, gives us a new edition of the original texts, with fresh translations. It is a monumental achievement—the result of many years of dedicated work on the part of the two editors/translators André Laks and Glenn W. Most… We owe a profound debt of gratitude to the editors/translators for their thorough and impeccable scholarship, and to the publishers for their usual high standards of production. If you can afford them, don’t hesitate: you will be all the richer for having these volumes on your shelves.
- Jeremy Naydler, Minerva
The publication of a Loeb Classical Library edition of the evidence for early Greek philosophy is a major event in classical scholarship… The editors and their assistants are to be commended for their exemplary execution of such a vast and difficult task. They have succeeded in producing what is far and away the best available edition of the texts of the early Greek philosophers with accompanying English translation.
- John Palmer, Arion