A superb compendium of scholarship . . . this book is likely to remain the definitive Muddy study.
- Michel Faber, * Scotland on Sunday *
<i>Can't Be Satisfied</i> is that rare thing in musical biographies: a book that maps out not just a single, extraordinary life but the cultural forces that shaped it and the cultural changes which that same life then helped to bring about.
- Sean O'Hagan, * Observer *
Gordon gets the deep lowdown on the original Rolling Stone. A major feat of research and a fascinating read.
- Jay McInerney,
The strenghts of <i>Can't Be Satisfied</i> lie in Robert Gordon's broad knowledge of the blues scene. He deftly puts each song and incident into its context. His exceptional understanding of the genre is best shown in his treatment of its ultimate irony - the creation of wealth through the depiction of poverty.
- Charlie Campbell, * Literary Review *
Robert Gordon has produced an immensely readable biography, as rowdy and dangerous as its subject. . . There'll be no need for another Muddy Waters biography, this will do handsomely.
- Neil Slaven, * Blues & Rhythm *
A blues tome to be treasured ... an unrepeatable feat of scholarship
- Michael Heatley, * Record Collector *