A gripping story about a great British brand
- Jeremy Vine,
Since I left racing, Will Butler-Adams has helped me rediscover the joy of cycling. My Brompton has become my favourite bicycle, and Brompton the company is the inspiration for what my own company, CHPT3, can become
- David Millar, former professional cyclist and CEO of CHPT3,
This is the story of the Brompton bicycle, and the company that made it. The story of the people who built the company and how and why we did what we did. It's a story about brazing, and titanium, and distributor networks and management buyouts and paint inspection. The Brompton isn't the only folding bike in the world and it wasn't the first ... But we have a vision. Quite simply, we want to change people's lives
- From the Introduction,
Brompton is a rare company ... This book sets out its story - including the complexities of the lightweight design - but is so much more than that. It's about managing tricky geniuses, the value of persistence and a cri de coeur from its charismatic chief executive, Will Butler-Adams
Times Best Business Books of 2022